
About Us

At, we understand that finding the right partner is a journey of the heart. Founded by Ahmed International, our personal online matchmaking service is dedicated to helping Pakistani and Indian American Muslim Sunnis and Shias in Pennsylvania find their perfect match. Whether you’re looking for a rishta (match), shaadi (marriage), or a marriage bureau to assist in your journey, we’re here to make the process seamless and successful.

Our Community

Our service caters to a diverse and vibrant community of Pakistani and Indian Muslims, encompassing both Sunni and Shia traditions. Within these broad categories, we recognize and respect the unique sub-castes such as Barelvi, Deobandi, and others. We understand the cultural nuances and importance of these distinctions in finding a compatible partner.

Languages and Professions

Our members speak a variety of languages, including Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, and Memoni. This linguistic diversity helps us to connect individuals who share not only religious and cultural values but also a common language.

Professionally, our database includes highly educated and successful individuals from various fields:

  • Doctors
  • Engineers
  • MBA Graduates
  • IT Experts
  • Elite Class Professionals

This wide array of professions ensures that we can cater to the preferences and aspirations of our members, providing matches that are well-suited both personally and professionally.

Why Choose

Confidentiality and Privacy

One of our core principles is maintaining the highest level of confidentiality. We understand the importance of privacy in the matchmaking process. Our database is not publicly accessible, and we do not post any personal information online. Every interaction is handled with the utmost discretion, ensuring that your journey towards finding a life partner remains private and secure.

Comprehensive Services

We offer a wide range of services tailored to meet the needs of our diverse clientele. Whether you are a widow, a divorcee, a man looking for a second wife, or a virgin girl seeking your first marriage, our personalized matchmaking services are designed to find the best possible match for you. We take pride in our detailed and empathetic approach, understanding the unique circumstances and preferences of each individual.

Facts and Figures about Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania, known for its rich history and cultural heritage, is home to a significant population of Pakistani and Indian American Muslims. The state boasts a robust economy with strong healthcare, education, and technology sectors, making it an ideal place for professionals in these fields.

  • Population: Pennsylvania has a population of over 12 million people, with a growing community of Pakistani and Indian American Muslims.
  • Economy: The state is known for its strong economy, ranking high in healthcare, education, and technology industries.
  • Cultural Diversity: Pennsylvania is celebrated for its cultural diversity, with numerous communities contributing to the state’s vibrant social fabric.


Sarah and Ahmed

“I never thought I would find someone who understands me so well. Thanks to, I met Ahmed, who shares my cultural background and professional aspirations. The confidentiality and personalized service made all the difference. We are now happily married and grateful for this incredible service.”

Ayesha and Imran

“After my divorce, I was hesitant to start looking for a partner again. provided a safe and respectful environment where I could find someone who appreciated my experiences. Imran and I are now planning our future together, and I couldn’t be happier.”

Fatima and Bilal

“As a widow, finding a new partner felt daunting. understood my situation and helped me find Bilal, who is kind, understanding, and a perfect match for me. Their professional and confidential approach gave me the confidence to start this new chapter in my life.”

Our Commitment

At, we are committed to being the top choice for those seeking a rishta, shaadi, or matchmaker services in Pennsylvania. Our goal is to help you find a partner who not only meets your expectations but exceeds them. We believe in the sanctity of Nikah (marriage) and strive to create matches that are built on mutual respect, love, and understanding.

Get Started Today

Join the best matchmaking service for Pakistani and Indian American Muslims in Pennsylvania. Whether you speak Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, or Memoni, and whether you are a doctor, engineer, MBA, IT expert, or an elite professional, is here to help you find your ideal partner. Start your journey towards a happy and fulfilling marriage with us.

Contact Us

Take the first step towards finding your perfect match today. Connect with us through WhatsApp at or to schedule your initial consultation. Let Ahmed International Matchmaker guide you on your journey towards a successful and fulfilling shaadi, rishta, and nikah. Your Trusted Matchmaker for Pakistani and Indian American Muslim Marriages in Pennsylvania. Confidential. Professional. Successful.

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